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little eep picking lot

Regular price R$ 831.359,52 BRL
Regular price Sale price R$ 572.187,42 BRL
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little eep picking lot

Explore the intricacies of saffron harvesting, a ritual that unfolds at dawn amidst delicate dewdrops, revealing the secrets behind the world's most expensive spice.

In the sleepy hours before daybreak, as the world awakens with a gentle yawn, a mystical ritual unfolds in the quiet saffron fields

Delicate threads of saffron, the world's most expensive spice, await the skilled hands of harvesters

With precision and care, they pluck the vibrant threads, leaving behind a landscape painted in shades of gold

The early morning dew glistens upon the petals, adding a touch of ethereal beauty to the harvest

Each step in the process is a dance of reverence, honoring ancient traditions and the labor of love that goes into each precious strand of saffron

As the first light kisses the horizon, the saffron harvest reaches its crescendo, a symphony of color and fragrance that speaks of centuries past and the promise of a rich culinary future.

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